









Federal Judge Rejects $30 Billion Swipe-Fee Settlement Between Visa, Mastercard, and Retailers

In a significant legal development, a federal judge has rejected a $30 billion antitrust settlement involving Visa, Mastercard, and a coalition of retailers. This ruling, delivered by Judge Margo Brodie of the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, marks a critical setback in a dispute that has spanned nearly two decades.

The proposed settlement, reached in March, aimed to resolve litigation concerning the high swipe fees, or interchange fees, charged by Visa and Mastercard. These fees, which can range from 1.5% to 4% of each transaction, have long been a point of contention between credit card companies and merchants. The settlement would have provided temporary relief by slightly reducing these fees and allowing retailers more flexibility in how they manage card transactions.

Judge Brodie's decision highlights concerns about the adequacy of the settlement in addressing the competitive imbalance in the credit card industry. Retail trade groups, including the Merchants Payments Coalition and the Retail Industry Leaders Association, criticized the deal as insufficient, arguing it would allow Visa and Mastercard to continue their dominant practices.

The judge's ruling implies that Visa and Mastercard may need to negotiate a more favorable agreement for merchants or prepare for a trial. The outcome has significant implications for both small businesses and large retailers, as they continue to seek fairer terms in their dealings with credit card companies.

Visa and Mastercard expressed disappointment with the ruling, maintaining that the settlement offered a fair resolution. However, many in the retail sector, especially smaller businesses, viewed the decision as a necessary step towards achieving a more equitable system.











Antitrust (反壟斷)

  1. Definition: Laws that promote competition and prevent monopolies.
  2. 中文解釋:促進競爭和防止壟斷的法律。
  3. Example: The government filed an antitrust lawsuit against the tech giant.

Settlement (和解)

  1. Definition: An agreement reached between parties in a lawsuit.
  2. 中文解釋:訴訟雙方達成的協議。
  3. Example: The company reached a settlement to avoid a lengthy trial.

Interchange Fee (交換費)

  1. Definition: A fee paid by merchants to credit card issuers for processing transactions.
  2. 中文解釋:商家支付給信用卡發行者以處理交易的費用。
  3. Example: The interchange fee for using premium cards is usually higher.

Merchants (商家)

  1. Definition: Individuals or companies that sell goods or services.
  2. 中文解釋:銷售商品或服務的個人或公司。
  3. Example: Small merchants often struggle with high transaction fees.

Litigation (訴訟)

  1. Definition: The process of taking legal action.
  2. 中文解釋:採取法律行動的過程。
  3. Example: The litigation over the patent infringement lasted for years.

Concessions (讓步)

  1. Definition: Compromises made by one party in a dispute.
  2. 中文解釋:爭端中一方做出的妥協。
  3. Example: The negotiations required several concessions from both sides.

Surcharge (附加費)

  1. Definition: An additional charge or payment.
  2. 中文解釋:額外的費用或支付。
  3. Example: Customers may face a surcharge for using premium credit cards.

Dominant (主導的)

  1. Definition: Having power and influence over others.
  2. 中文解釋:擁有對他人的權力和影響力。
  3. Example: The company holds a dominant position in the market.

Equitable (公平的)

  1. Definition: Fair and impartial.
  2. 中文解釋:公平和公正的。
  3. Example: The new policy aims to create a more equitable system for all users.

Com petitive Imbalance (競爭失衡)

  1. Definition: A situation where competition is not equal or fair.
  2. 中文解釋:競爭不平等或不公平的情況。
  3. Example: The agreement sought to correct the competitive imbalance in the market.
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